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July Updates

The Party has been fairly quiet and there was nothing of note to report for July. 

I do want to give you an update that is partially about my race and partially about shenanigans happening around the state in terms of activity by the Wyoming Freedom Caucus.  If you do not regularly read WyoFile, Maggie Mullen wrote an excellent article about the attack ads sent out by the Freedom Caucus and funded by their PAC against three incumbent Republicans.  The full article can be found at:  She always does a very professional job at writing on Wyoming politics.  There were numerous responses on Facebookok setting the record straight and condemning the Freedom Caucus for playing fast and loose with the truth.  I think John Bear must have a good chiropractor; he twisted himself into knots justifying the four degrees of separation from the truth that allowed him to claim that the four voted to keep Trump off the ballot.

I particularly like to point out the claims that they voted against the 4% Property Tax Cap, a bill sponsored by Barry Crago.  A quick look at the official posting on the bill clearly shows how deceptive the mailer claim was.  The three voted against an AMENDMENT that would have introduced an acquisition basis; only the 26 Freedom Caucus and Co voted for that.  The three also voted against an AMENDMENT reducing the cap from 5% to 4%.  Although it failed, that change was adopted from the Conference Committee.  The actual House vote passed 3rd reading 62-0.  The vote to adopt from Conference was 60-1-1-0-0.   I would like to also point out that Mark Jennings was one of 3 (all from FC) that voted against Introduction.  He does regularly claim that nothing was done about Property Taxes at the session even through four bills providing relief did get enacted.

Yours truly has the questionable honor of (so far) being the only non-incumbent to be the target of the Freedom Caucus attack ads.  This showed up in mailboxes for HD30 Republican voters last Thursday and Friday.  I did give a statement to Leo Wolfson of Cowboy State Daily which he included in his article yesterday.   There is an image of the mailer front and then buried in the article was the quote.  I have no reason to be believe my opponent, Tom Kelly, had anything to do with the mailer although he has not condemned it to my knowledge.