Wyoming Focus

Gail Symons on Housing and Taxes

Rational Housing and Taxes

  • Rationalize Residential Property Taxes
  • Increase Workforce Housing
  • Improve Senior Housing Availability

Healthy People: Mental & Physical

  • Improve Mental Health resource availability
  • Support and Fund Suicide Prevention
  • Encourage Aging at Home programs
  • Increase Health Provider Availability statewide
  • Establish EMS/Ambulance as an essential service
Robust Economy

Robust Economy

  • Bolster Top 3 Existing Industries (Energy, Tourism, Ag)
  • Encourage Small High Tech Manufacturing
  • Foster expansion of new Industries
  • Stimulate Commerce including Downtown Businesses

Dynamic Learning

  • Learn How to Learn/Lifelong Learning
  • Streamline “basket of goods” to increase depth, decrease cost
  • Promote “Portrait of a Graduate”
  • Champion Competency Based Learning
  • Reinforce Career Technical Training
  • Ensure effectiveness of Workforce Training/Re-training